[Lee esta entrada en español] Hi there, finally I can say: Welcome! After some time working for it to be great from the very beginning, I can welcome all of you to the new site! The main difference, apart from the visual fact, is the use of subdomains so that I can have separate sections according to the topic: There fore, you can visit also: –THE MAIN WEBSITE: the main structure

febrero 27, 2015
Partida is published in Italian: «Il Gioco della traduzione»
I´m proud to announce «Il Gioco della traduzione»! Partida has been translated by the great professional translator Maria Paola Fortuna, thanks to the amazing company Babelcube. Now italian readers can enjoy this story in Kobo, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and soon, Amazon. The paperback will also be available soon! Alba è una traduttrice che crede di avere un lavoro noioso a Madrid, fino a quando riceve un incarico di traduzione