Light and Shadows – A short film

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This summer has been intense for me, but very special. One of the projects that I have finished is my first short film, and I want to share it with you.

You can watch it here for free:

I just want to thank my great crew (credits below) and everyone who voted at the screening for it to win the Best Audience Award.

Some people have asked me about the end and the title. Well, I was thinking of Plato and his Cave Analogy. In cinema, we also use light to cast shadows on a screen.

I leave you some stills here!

Captura de pantalla 2015-06-29 a la(s) 15.38.11Light and Shadows Still 2 Light and Shadows Still 1Captura de pantalla 2015-06-29 a la(s) 15.38.56 Captura de pantalla 2015-06-29 a la(s) 15.42.25 Captura de pantalla 2015-06-29 a la(s) 15.42.09 Captura de pantalla 2015-06-29 a la(s) 15.41.39



  1. Inés Galiano


  2. Raven Smith


  3. Irina Enevska

    Assist. Director

  4. Daniel Wuffli


  5. Aditya Mandpe


  6. Cristina Nicolas

    Key Cast

  7. Michal Pochna

    Key Cast

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