Thank you for coming to the presentation!

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We want to thank everybody that made this presentation at Café de ficciones possible.  It was wonderful.

After some confusion, much excitement and the books getting here at the last minute, everything went great!

In addition to a great introduction of  Jose Antonio Gómez, Vicerrector de Cultura at the University of Murcia, we enjoyed preparing the presentation and we loved the dramatic reading, that you can see in the picture. We will soon edit the video so you can see it again.

Captura de pantalla 2014-07-24 a la(s) 00.57.48

Here you have the link to the book, in case you couldn’t get it yesterday:

Captura de pantalla 2014-07-17 a la(s) 16.39.15

Paperback: Captura de pantalla 2014-07-24 a la(s) 12.13.40

Captura de pantalla 2014-07-24 a la(s) 12.13.49

And more pictures of the presentation!



You can also check the complete album of the event in the facebook page!

*Update: Watch the new CARTOON BOOK TRAILER of this book!

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