Start planning your Nanowrimo experience with these templates!

 Nanowrimo starts in less than 2 weeks!

Captura de pantalla 2014-06-24 a la(s) 13.08.48

If you haven´t heard yet about Nanowrimo, read my post about the initiative, about my last experience in their camp,  or go to their official website!

You have decided to participate this November 2014? Start preparing for it!!

Here you have some tips:

1. Start planing your story.
2. Organize your time.
3. Set your goals NOW!
4. Design a cover.
5. Prepare your writer´s kit (calendar, notebook, laptop, caffeine!)

If you want to add me on the nanowrimo forum, my name is inesgaliano .

Captura de pantalla 2014-10-15 a la(s) 22.54.05

I already have my cover, a nanowrimo calendar for tracking my progress and a story template that I want to share with you!
Download the two templates for free! Print as many as you want and start using them!

CALENDAR: Download here the pdf version for printing!

TEMPLATE: Download here the pdf version for printing!

plan your novelhola


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